Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Funlove has to be run by the USER in order to infect a computer (Fri Dec 21 20:14:57 2001
Lady Douji [View profile
Sorry dear. You obviously don't know anything
about viruses. Currently I am aware of only one
virus that automatically starts and that's the
bubble boy virus. A simple proof of concept
virus that will automatically run from Outlook
Express's preview menu. Funlove is not Bubble
boy the infectious file has to be run by you or
another user on the computer. If all you saw was
a hamster icon and a .txt file than what you saw
was an animated gif. Which is not an executable
file, for a virus to work it has to be apart of
an executable file that has to run. Did you even
bother to read the Symantec Security information
about Funlove?
Is this your new tactic to try and make yourself
look better? Accusing everyone who disagrees
with you of sending you a virus? As well as
insulting them? Do you really think something as
transparent as that is going to convince people
you're really a sweet little girl?
And if your 10 year cousin or senile grandparents
are using your computer they're a more likely
explanation as to why there's a viruse on it,
than anything deliberate. Lord knows in tech
support it was always the senior citizens calling
up with viruses on their computers, because they
ignored the warnings and ran the infected email
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