Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Aoki sora yo, towa o utae... (Wed Dec 19 15:11:31 2001
shura-chan [View profile
Did I say I'd have to feed my cat with it? Did I
ever say I needed it for necessities? Can't
Childish is also not to forgive things that
aren't worth ranting about in this excessive way.
It's like "MUUUUUUUM, she broke my toy!". Only
190 bucks instead of a toy and not even YOURS.
And since I've never been offensive in
initiative, I don't deserve to get offensive
comments, that's all.
About knowing it was wrong...
I saw it, and I knew it wasn't really okay. I
didn't take it with misschievious intentions, but
simply because I thought I could put it to good
use. I never said that wasn't selfish. I only
don't have to list up every single detail, do I?
I have no need to defend myself against a bunch
of teens and adults who think they have to defend
justice in a way a certain anime character is
considered mad for. I don't owe anyone of you any
statement for I'm not in court here but only one
cat who gets barked at by a packa dogs only cuz
it shit into the sand box of some kid. Some ppl
kill cats for that and some ppl overreact pretty
much the same manner at me.
And did I also deserve a virus? If you say "Yes",
than no brain transplantation will work no more.
And one more thing... I think I took it after
thieves lost it. It's pretty hard to lose a
wallet on the high way, unless the car door's
open while driving. So I think some pickpokcets
didn't dig deeply enough and tossed it out.
You know, I only relized there was more in it
than just some supermarket bills when I was home.
And I also think that one out of 6 would do what
I did, keep the most useful parts.
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