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Re: Aoki sora yo, towa o utae... (Wed Dec 19 14:26:04 2001 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


> You're trying to be a better person than me. 
> You're not. By putting me down with a thing I
> did in thge past and for which I already said
> that it was wrong.

You're trying to make it sound like you did this 
a long time ago and have only now come to the 
conclusion that it was wrong after it was too 
late to do anything about it. NOT the case.

You knew this was wrong BEFORE you did it - AS 
you did it - and yet you still continued on and 
did as you damn well pleased. And people are 
supposed to sit back and say, "well, she knew it 
was wrong so that makes it all okay"? That is the 
shallowest thing I think I have heard in a long 
time and I think you deserve the hassle you've 
been getting from others here. If nothing else, 
it might make you realize that when you already 
KNOW something is wrong, you are supposed to ACT 
on that knowledge and NOT do that which is wrong.

Knowing that what you are doing is wrong means 
ABSOULUTELY NOTHING if you go head and do it 
anyway. I don't give a crap how many cats you 
have to feed. I'm a vet tech and I know exactly 
how *little* it costs to feed a stray cat - so 
don't bother bringing that up again. And don't 
bother with the school angle either because MANY 
people DO work while they are in school so that 
they can pay for things like entertainment. If 
you're all that hurting for money, you should NOT 
be wasting said money on cels.

You have no excuse for yourself other than that 
you're SELFISH. Maybe if had enough spine to 
admit to that, we would consider forgiving you 
for being selfish.

But when you find something and you KNOW who it 
belongs to, if you take it, you might as well be 
taking it directly out of that person's hand. To 
me, there is absolutely NO difference. If your 
mother says she can look the other way once, then 
I think she is doing you a SEVERE disservice 
because you are learning NOTHING from her. If 
she'd tanned your selfish hide, then you might 
have started to make the connection that doing 
something wrong IS ACTUALLY WRONG. And is NOT 
okay so long as you admit it is wrong.

I'm sorry to everyone ELSE here, but reading your 
SELF-CENTERED and IMMATURE posts has been pissing 
me off for a while and I can no longer resist 
giving you a piece of my mind. So whine some more 
after this if you want, and make more excuses if 
you think it makes you look better, but know that 
THIS is what I and many others here feel about 
you. I, at least, will refuse to even acknowledge 
any of your future comments with a response.


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