I suggest you ask the webmaster to put a link to
your site under the images, you know, a
little 'thanks to littlepoop for these cel
images' or something. That's generally what I do
when I catch people using my art/fiction (which
technically is copywrited by me). I used to have
a 'pirates' section on my links page, but eh, I
haven't had that up in a while, I just keep them
in my bookmarks list to keep an eye on them.
Since you technically don't own the image, you
really can't do much, especially since this
person didn't get the images directly from your
site. You could ask them where they DID get the
images, and then go after that site and do the
same thing and the one before it, etc. I mean,
for all you know, your cel images are in
someone's 'free pic' gallery somewhere, and I
think if so, that's the person you should be
concerned with.
And if you're looking for a good story, this one
time, someone sent me a fanmail about a fic, and
I asked where they read it, and they gave me this
site that pirated aaround fifty stories...
heehee... and I frightened the webmaster so bad
she sent apology/request emails to all the other
authors... But then, that's not a cel. And that
was with the aid of not-so-passive hacking.
*cough* *looks innocent* |