I know i frequently moan but this time I am
really angry! It has been brought to my
attention that images of cels I own are being
displayed on a website without my consent. The
offending site is:
Displaying images of cels which do not belong to
the webmasters is a substantial part of the
site. They do not claim to own the cels, nor do
they have a disclaimer to say they do not own
Why I Care?
Inevitably some may think I am petty. By posting
here I am prepared for that people will think
this. I personally think it is a violation of of
the use of my property. Even if intangible i
think that the images are my property, just as
ideas can be. According to the Berne Convention,
after 1989 things are automatically copyrighted.
I put a lot of time, money and effort into my
gallery and cel collecting and feel angry that my
efforts are being abused. It has really put me
off my latest update. Obviously i will not let
it stop me collecting cels but it has made me
question whether i want to display my cels online
After my polite requests to reason with them they
refused to remove my images even when I rebutted
all their arguments and ended up abusing me. I
must admit i was quite angry and did start to
lose control towards the end myself :P.
My courses of action:
These are the only two i can think of since they
have refused to take the offending images down:
Reporting them to their webhost - Angelfire.
Only problem is proving i own the cels to
angelfire. I do not want to have to send the
cels to them so am unsure of how i can do this.
Reporting them for being underage. After
speaking with them it is obvious they are
underage and go to school according to their
webpage. However i also have trouble
authenticating this.
I spoke to them on MSN messenger. A copy of the
conversation can be found by clicking the above
URL or here:
It is repetitive nad profanity is used.
The webmasters were Son Goten & Rancid
I was Aunt Jemima & Hardsaiyan cels was
My rebuttal of their non-existent defence:
These images appear all over the web.
Frequency of a crime does not detract from the
fact it is illegal.
Their source was not my site.
Source of stolen goods does not detract from
their crime as they are aware it is wrong.
However i am not 100% sure of my claims to images
made before i owned the cel.
Accusing me of not owning the cels.
I did not give them my url as they had threatened
to hack my site. In any case they may have just
argued that i merely owned the images and not the
cel. This is another point of difficulty as I am
not sure how i can prove i own the cels if i
report them to their host, angelfire.
I would welcome all constructive replies whether
you agree or disagree with me. There are many
points I am unsure of including my courses of
action, any replies would be appreciated. I
would appreciate if everyone can post in a polite
manner as i really would not like to create a
flame war.
Thank you for everyone's time and sorry for such
a long-winded post
Little Poop