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info on passwording (Mon Jan 14 07:05:19 2002 )
xelloss (nli) [View profile ]

To set up a password system, do a search on 
setting up .htaccess and .htpasswd files on your 
web server, and ask your admin if the server 
supports .htaccess. All files you want to have 
passworded must be in the same set of 
directories. There is no good way to only 
password some files in the same directory that I 
have found. Here is a brief description.

A simple .htaccess file may look like this:
AuthUserFile /server_location_of/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName ByPassword
AuthType Basic

require user USERNAME

The .htaccess file would need to be copied into 
every directory you want protected. You will 
need the server location of your .htpasswd file, 
and to create a user class (substitute USERNAME 
with this new user name)

You have to make your own .htpasswd file. to do 
this, go to the main directory for your website. 
If you are able to telnet in, try typing

htpasswd -c .htpasswd username password

(use your own username and password)

if that does not work, the command may not be in 
your path, therefore try this next (all on one 

/usr/local/apache/bin/htpasswd -c .htpasswd 
username password

If this doesn't work, try using "locate 
htpasswd" to find the executable, or contact 
your server admin.

Good luck ^^


BTW, I have to give full credit to Misa at anime-
online.com & aino.com for thinking of doing this 
first ^^ thanks Misa!

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