Actually, my galleries are down right now, as
relying on Java was bringing me too much grief. I
have looked at trying to password protect my
images as Xelloss does, but my server isn't set up
for the protocol she outlines in a post below.
I'm looking into Cold Fusion (a newer language,
maybe harder for the average user to crack) and
/shudder!/ Perl, but it's going to take me a lot
of time to learn these programs. (CGI-BIN
programs make my eyes glaze over and my brain
cramp! Telnet, SSL, firewalls...aurgh!)
I really don't want to watermark the images as
whatever I put is not on the original cel.
There's also the idea of simply taking the
galleries down entirely and only sharing my cels
at conventions with other cel collectors.
Still trying to decide what to do...