Well what made it easier for me is that none of
those cels were DREAM cels. Like ones on my list,
the pictured pics I have on my wishlist. One cel
was to die for, but I realized: "Am I going to
pay to get that cel the same amount I nearly paid
for my ultimate dcream cel?" That's also when I
stopped and still hard, but forcing myself not to.
Just a few cels I thought were amazing, but that
is what helped me pass in the end. I did pay a
lot for my Tasuki & Kouji cel, but for some
reason everytime I look at it, don't feel any
regrets:D Probably would be the same if you found
a human Suzaku cel. You'd might have to lay out a
fortune or you might not. But probably be the
same as me. Just like after child birth I
suppose. You go through all the labor pains and
mild insanity, then in the end you have such a
lovely baby you sorta forget the pain and just
are happy. (Well, for majority of births:) Ah,
just like obtaining a dream cel. Which I think is
harder and more rough on the nerves. Hehe. Well,
what do I know... *sigh*