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Hmm I c (Fri Jul 20 22:26:06 2001 )
rekka [View profile ]

Ahh gomen gomen.  Didn't occur to me to check for 
a End written on mine...  gomen!  But yeah, mine 
is the A1 cel.  It's ironic that Noriko's place 
would have gotten both of these cels.  It is 
quite beautiful, but I may have to part with mine 
some time.  If you are in dire need of the A1 to 
the sequence  lol  maybe you can badger me a 
little for it  ^^;;;  I've been trying to clear 
out all the cels that aren't quite as dear to my 
heart, and I can see the time when I'll have to 
say goodbye to this cel as well.  ^^;

Mine was folded slightly near the foot area, but 
the paint's all good.  I think it was the method 
of shipping that may have bent it a little.  It's 
been a while since I got it, so I can't quite 

Again I'm sorry for the mega blast of accusations 
before.  =P

Rekka  ~~~

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