Wow, what a depressing post. True, but
depressing. As down as we can be on ourselves, we
should all remember one thing:
This is a hooby. It's MEANT to be fun.
Now I don't want to get into the technicalities
of ideals vs. reality, because that could just go
on forever. But just remember that yes, we might
sell our cels of in a few years, or need money
later and own't be able to spend like this later.
Which is why I enjoy it now. I plan for the
future, but at the same time realizie it IS the
future, and if you worry too much about the
future, you miss the present.
So enjoy cel collecting. But don't let it rule
you. And don't think so hard about it that you
depress yourself because the value of your cels
is not what you intended. The cel's value should
mean something to you, and if it has good resale
value, whoop-de-doo for it. If you're really
worried about the finances of it, then don't
spend money on it. Cel collecting isn't always
about money, and shouldn't be.