I make fan cels, and even have sold some...
*gets pounded by all members of the Forum* Well,
my opinion in this... Fan-cels should always be
signed so that others can tell 110% that it is not
an original. And in large letters somewhere on the
cel. Now, I myself prefer to make original cels of
original characters, and scenes. However, I have
made fan cels of particular series before, that
were almost exact copies. Fortunalty, I take
*most* [there are exceptions] of my images from
artbooks that I spend time and energy to buy. And
since I have a limited income, I try to get some
money back by making fan cels. I would never,
ever, never charge an outragous price for a cel
I've made... I only try to break even most times.
The most I ever can remember charging was about
$20 for a hard-to-do opening cel. Now, whenever I
do copy exact cels I always change a few things. I
make lines around the outside darker, use thicker
markers, and other things to make it look
different. I am currently working on a CCS opening
cel, that yes, I did take from a real cel. I
found the image, not in someones gallery
though, but in an image gallery floating around
the net. *BUT* ^_^ I am outlining it in darker,
signing it, and putting clouds around the outside
to make it look different. I also took the sketch
and transposed it onto the main image to make it
look like two wings. Since one picture I saw had a
genga like this. O.o;; I might sell it
eventually... but I usually don't with exact
copies. But I do it more for fun. Don't yell at
fan cel makers. I know it's awful to see your work
around elsewhere. I would be really mad if my cels
were in someone else's gallery or something. But
there's not much people can do about it. People
will always do this and copy and try to sell as
their own... I am in no way saying it's right,
though! Because it's terribly wrong! It's just so
hard to try to say what's right or wrong in these
situations. I just wanted to say my side of the
story, because I love doing what I do... I love
making cels... but I love collecting real cels as
well... I really don't know what to say. It's just
a very hard thing. *get's beaten up by everyone at
the Cels Forum again* *waaaiii* Please don't hate
me! I personally would never sell a fan cel on
e-bay, because then it makes people pay more.
Please don't hate me! I just wanted to say my
side! I love making fan cels... and that's
all... Thank you for listening. ^_^
Here is a pic of my fan cel so far. If you have
any suggestions on how it would look cooler and
different with other things done to it, than I
would love any suggestions. Thanks! I am putting
clouds around the outside with white paint... but
don't know what else to do. Thank you again. |