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Re: Re: Fancel copies of real cels on eBay...Your thoughts? (Mon Sep 17 18:28:49 2001 )
fireball [View profile ]


I sympathize with your opinion, and I like what 
you said about the unique quality of a real cel. 

I understand how it is -- when I began 
collecting, I almost had a fancel made of a 
certain shot because I thought I'd never own that 
cel. now that I've been collecting for a while, I 
think I'll pass on that fancel and wait until I 
can save up and make the cel owner an offer he 
can't refuse. :)
    responding to your point about how they'd 
ever find the cel owner, well...they did take it 
from our websites, didn't they? 90% of the time I 
think these copied cels are made from website 
graphics that are printed out and traced. I 
rarely hear of screenshot cel artists. anyway, 
that's my yen.
   for the record, I have never EVER bought a cel 
for the purpose of keeping other people from 
owning it.


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