Thats interesting. Depending on the studio in
Japan some are making considerable strides
towards using more digital technology for
painting and the creation of various anime
series. I.e. Pioneer is really moving towards CGI
is evident in many of their more recent works too.
One of the most revered (by collectors at least)
studios STUDIO GHILBI hasn't made a complete
transition per se to CGI or digitally animating
seqeunces. But Miyazaki himself addressed this
growing issue amongst studios and the future of
the anime industry as a whole in various
interviews. Check out Animage back issues when
MONONOKE HIME was released they had a two issue
interview with him.
And as many know in Ghilbi's previous film
MONONOKE HIME a considerable part of the film
incorporated CGI (clearly observable in the
possessed giant boar sequence & Achitaka's
possessed arm scenes et al) married with
traditional cel animation. The results were IMHO
Even Disney in the U.S. is making considerable
strides to push the limits of CGI and digital
animation while still incorporating traditional
cel animation. It is true the look of cel
animation has positive points but efficiency and
maintaining a tight production schedule is not
two of them. Hence some of the reasons why
student animated shorts or portfolios rarely if
ever have full cel animation.
Personally I love traditional animation which is
why I got a formal education in it at the Academy
of Art College. Computer animation as well as CGI
used in feature films by large studios such as
ILM, PDI and PIXAR do stress the importance of
traditional animation over knowing any one
commercially available 3D animation program. This
is mainly done b/c all animators benefit from a
solid background in traditional animation before
learning any inhouse application.
So definately enjoy the cels while they last in
five to tens years the anime and animation
industry as a whole might very well move in a new
direction. ^_^ |