Why, do you do a person himself confirmation ?
It isn't behind it to abuse what a person himself
confirmation can't form, will run for an easily
illegal action rather, a case to need a time
because an investigation engine specifies a
criminal in case that again, a problem of deceit
and illegal exhibition has occurred also is
right, and damage spreads. To prevent an illegal
act, rapidly can enforce a cooperation to the
case that it occurred, in addition investigation
engine, I am supposed to do a person himself
confirmation. By this, an illegal act decreases
and expects to become you of a user also as you
enjoy a personal interval trade easily.
Getting toll is apart from a person himself
confirmation ?
In order to do a person himself confirmation by
means of a bank account and credit card, a cost
of a commission and an exclusive system
construction occurs. And, are such as to void
Yahoo JAPAN ID in addition when the bank account
and credit card that I used for a person himself
confirmation became null an office management
cost also occurs. Though I considered a various
person himself confirmation method, as bearing a
cost of participation expense for a user really,
a method to confirm the person himself was the
most suitable and judged it.
Aren't allowed only once as being the first for a
person himself confirmation whether or not ?
To reduce a risk of a participant, a person
himself confirmation, is necessary and thinks
that it isn't safe even though it is a person
himself confirmation every month every time I bid
and make a successful bid. Though a criminal
preventive effect is a first person himself
confirmation once somewhat, in order to have to
become it and void a certification soon, in case
that it became null by a loss, robbery a credit
card, first once just it is insufficient with a
person himself confirmation. And, a case that a
high user of an evaluation abused an auction in
the past also is. They fail to pull it of
participation expense once every month, don't
annually consequently and confirm the
continuously effective person himself because a
bank account and credit card are maintained. And
a case not to like to report it with such as a
trade is おすすめします for a utilization of
エスクローサービス for a trade of a trade and a
large amount of product with a new user, personal
information. |