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Re: poor Walt... (Fri Jun 15 07:39:33 2001 )

I agree entirely. Disney just makes big, stupid 
"least common denominator" Happy Meal advertising 
franchises. They boiled Pooh till he was 
pasturized...I think A. A. Milne would be utterly 
sick to his stomach if he could see the marketing 
tool the "Evil Empire" has made of his sweet old 
bear. Tarzan was the last straw for me- I gave it 
a chance, the quality of the animation, and 
general design is very nice, but they had to RUIN 
it with that obnoxious Rosie 
O'Yermakinmefuckinsick Donnel. When I think 
Tarzan, her grating, over-the-top idiocy is the 
1st thing that comes to mind for me. If her 
irritating pompadour-wearing gorilla hadn't been 
there, it would have been a very passable film, 
but there's always something in a Disney made film 
to ruin it, and turn art to crud. The only films I 
go see with the Disney name on them are the Pixar 
films, because "Didney" just funds it, and leaves 
those guys pretty much alone to their own keen 
devices. The only US made animated film I think 
I've seen in forever that had a real feel of 
quality was The Iron Giant. If Disney had made 
that film, it would have had a talking squirrel in 
it. I do so agree, Walt was a visionary, and the 
vision is waaaaaay gone...it's a real waste, and a 

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