Tch', ok, first, is there something wrong with
the forum? In the last hmmm, ten seconds, twelve
pop up adds just about froze my computer and I
had to start over! The whole screen went blank
because of the pop up adds that didn't go away.
Just wonderin' if something is wrong, that is
plain weird and never really have problems with
this forum. SCARY!~
And yep, I agree manipulate Ebay! I heard
someone, dunno...ah...if this is true, say Ebay
won't let anyone give free stuff er say they can.
I always give out free stuff, always tell my
customers they will get some free stuff because I
always have extras and it is good business an'
like to make people happy by suprising them
anyway and they don't know. It's just like the
real world out there. One place just might be
better than the other, and life isn't fair-you
just know how to work it to sell I guess. If
someone has something to give away, don't see
anything wrong, than they might increase sales.
Ok, enough business crap-come from a family where
everyone has their own business-excuse me...
*sheepish smile* So...switched tactics and put a
different word or phrase that meant the same
thing. Now, that free thing, if it is true, is
absolutely ridiculous rule. Dunno, but my opinion
and DON'T want to get into that discussion if it
is true, just like to do it.
But I now feel like I'm going at battle every
time now I put something up! Have to watch yer
words carefuly and make sure nothing is very very
bad. Heh, anyway-nothing wrong with a nude Tenchi
cel! I saw one back a while ago, but true,
wording it different might keep Ebay of yer back.
Good luck in the coming auctions!
*who's been talking too much like a bandit
lately* (It's the costume)
Sakura con! Here I come!
*dives across the states*