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I just agree with Nick somewhat... ^_^,, (Mon Apr 23 05:54:38 2001 )

I think he's right in the way Ebay has been 
making too many of these changing rules, that no 
one might know half of the time. I don't know 
what cels he really was selling, but I agree with 
what he said: "'Now they hold a magic mouse over 
everyones auctions and declare an Auctionhouse 
Dictatorship.'" Heh. Rules are good as I said 
before in my previous post. Glad they have them, 
but when they make so many various ones that no 
one knows which way is which half of the time, 
even if he didn't intend to break them-things 
like that happen all the time. He has a good 
record and is a good seller, and has a good thing 
going on, so doubt he broke them on purpose. 
Plus, it's sad to see Ebay do that to him. Good 
for us cause we might be able to win a cel or two 
once in a while now if it's on Yahoo! Hehehe. He 
as in a lot of sellers might know that, and we 
are only human like anyone else. People sometimes 
do things they don't know, because for one: Ebay 
didn't make it clear enough and another; it was 
not hentai to him or me or is not a hentai show-
so he's not thinking it should be categorized in 
any other place but whatever he might have had it 
on-from his POV as I said. People see things 
differently and Ebay just needs to take action on 
that and making sure they don't loose other 
sellers. They didn't even give him a chance to 
explain anything or correct what was wrong if 
there was any. Us sellers are their customers, 
and they should have good customer service. It 
should be a two-way thing you know; not a "one 
sided until we push people away." Gomen, my 
thoughts based on my brother's customer service 
company and how they work. Doesn't matter if it 
was nude or he did violate any rules or not, 
that's not I'm saying-I'm saying they need to fix 
he problem, not get rid of it. I think that's 
Ebay being lazy not to communicate with their 
customers. I agree Ebay should make sure auctions 
are in the right places, but they should have 
contacted him first before deleting it. It might 
have just needed fixing, not deleting. Doesn't 
matter what was violated, they still should have 
made sure why it was going on and just told him. 
Then if he didn't remove it, then delete the 
auction. Give him a chance to know, before taking 
it off and allow him to re-caterogized it or fix 
it if it was. Hmmm, anyway if it was caterogized 
under nude art, with the title of the series 
or, "anime etc..." If someone did a search, it 
still would turn up, right? You would not believe 
what I found out! @@ I did a search on "Cosplay" 
once and accidently stumbled upon adult things 
easily that way! All one title said was "Cosplay 
tape: Sailor Moon" and I went to check it out, 
and there were filth on it! I about gasped myself 
to death. Just saying, if someone searching, like 
I do, anyone can accidently see the nude thing 
anyway, if anime or Tenchi or whatever was in the 
title, seems it can still be found, no matter 
what category it is in. All anyone has to do is 
type the name they are looking for in the search 
and it comes up, all different ones from 
different categories. ^_^ So, Ebay needs to fix 
that too-because it can still be found based on 
the name of the series or whatever in the title.

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