When you have a huge company like eBay that deals
with so many people, you are usually going to
have to deal with the lowest common denominator.
If a large number of people want adult auctions
seperate so children won't see them, then that is
what they are going to do to keep the reputation
of a consumer-friendly company and to keep from
losing business. Not everyone is going to be
happy with it, but the fact is that there are
kids all over the internet these days simply
because it's there and they can. It's the same
reason they have movie and tv regeulations. If
they don't self regulate to the point where most
people are happy with it, then there is the
danger of gov't interference and regulation they
don't have control over. Personally, I'm glad
that eBay it taking the responsibility to keep
adult items away from underage children who
shouldn't see them. I'm starting to get tired of
people who feel that everything should be catered
to them for a service that is that cheap. They
are a business and everything is under thier
name, so of course there are going to be rules,
and those rules aren't going to suit everybody.
Things like anime aren't going to be exempt
because that is part of the culture it comes
from, it is going to have the same guidelines as
everything else. |