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Actually, there was a violation of eBay's rules... (Mon Apr 23 01:27:32 2001 )
Lady Brick

I went over and looked at eBay's rules for adult 
auctions, and there is a seperate catagory for 
artwork that has nudity if you want to post and 
auction like that and not have it be adult 
verified.  Since Nick claimed that the cel had 
nude characters, and it was not in the nudes 
artwork catagory, he was violating the rules.  It 
doesn't matter if they aren't really nude at all, 
but since he SAID they were, they will take the 
sellers word that they are.  On the not-really-
discussed issue of posting a link back to Anime 
Chaos (which I believe was another of Nick's 
complaints), it says directly in the User 
Agreement that you cannot post a link to other 
items for sale outside of eBay because that is 
cutting them out of the fee structure (free 
advertising)  As well as the fact that they have 
an "About Me" page that you can post things like 
that on.  So while I can understand Nick's anger, 
his actions were in voilation of the eBay rules.  
And if you aren't sure of the rules, go read them 
^^  It will save a lot of headaches such as this 

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