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Re: Re: Re: Cels or anime, what'll it be? (Wed Sep 6 07:12:49 2000 )

I haven't seen Lain yet, but the two places where 
I like the use of digital animation (not CG! :P) 
are GitS and Mononoke. For me, it has to be nearly
seamless - the use of 3D CG OTOH really irritates
me (that Pokemon2000 movie thingie and TitanAE, 
for example). Digital paint doesn't bother me in
the least bit - I'll simply retire from cel 
collecting and concentrate my monetary power on 
other merchandise... like DVDs and shitajiki! ^_^

Yet, there are still some things I feel can only 
be done *truly* well by hand... drawing, painting,
HTML.... Can't explain it right now, too early...

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