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Ooh . . . maybe I shouldn't tell you guys this... (Mon Dec 4 19:10:20 2000 )


Maybe it's some kind of secret or something 
and I'm going to ruin it for next year, but Kia 
Asamiya was at Wizard World in Chicago this 
past summer and was doing sketches on art 
board stuff for $3, in your sketchbook for free, 
of any of his characters you wanted. Maybe it 
was because there were so few 
anime/manga people there? And those of us 
who were, were pretty hard-core. ^-^ I hate 
myself for being too shy to ask for one, though 
I did get his signature. He was ultra-nice . . .! 
Even offered to look at anyone's art and 
critique it. As compared to some particular 
Western artists there who will go unnamed . . . 

who's slinking off to do work . . .

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