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Re: Second thoughts; question about sketches in general (Mon Dec 4 18:03:22 2000 )


>can someone tell me (who has only 
>experienced cons second hand) the process for 
>getting artist sketches?

The only process I know of is to ask *VERY* 
nicely and *HOPE* that you'll get a sketch at an 
autograph session.

I've unsuccessfully asked a couple artists at 
cons and have been turned down -- it's really at 
their discretion if they feel like making one.  I 
noticed that Ikuhara Kunihiko (Sailor Moon/Utena 
director) favored sketch requests from female 
cosplayers.  ^_~

As for "easily" obtaining sketches at cons -- I 
wish!  At ACEN I *think* they were auctioning off 
some sketches, but I can't quite recall.  I would 
be ten times as excited over a sketch from any of 
my favorite artists than I would over *any* cel 
(especially if it were made out to me!).

If anyone's successfully gotten a sketch, I'd 
love to hear about it!

that's my 2 yen,


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