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FANATIC ADDICT-there is no cure! (Tue Dec 5 21:54:22 2000 )


I wrote the following scribbles a long time ago 
because I am an addict, I meant to publish it 
on this forum but held back many times. Since 
this thread is talking about collecting, I 
decided to post it. It explains my peculiar 
behaviors and compulsive nature.


Obsession: I’m constantly checking for 
updates. Yahoo Japan, ebay and all the cel 
sites. Constantly. It is the first thing I do when I 
get up; it is the last thing I do before I sleep.

Spending: I’m normally a thrifty person. I don’t 
usually over spend. However, when it comes 
to cels, something strange happens, I go 
crazy. Value become unimportant. 
Possession and ownership means 
everything. I drive a clunker car so that I can 
own that dream cel. I spend frugally on 
everything else so that I will have enough for 
another cel.

Rationalization: Anime characters are so cute. 
They evoke my fondest memories. Those big 
eyes; those swirling hair. Cels are beauty 
within. They tell a story; they have personality. 

Auctions. I hate to be out-bid. I set my alarm to 
wake up at night. I don’t like being a sniper, 
but it’s war. Once sniped, you become an 
animal. I’m euphoric when I win yet feel quilty 
for spending the money. Time moves slowing 
unless it’s the last minute of the auction.

Technology. If my computer crashes, I get 
frantic. If my DSL line goes down, I panic. No 
matter how fast you’re computer is, it’s still not 
fast enough to get your order in or place that 

Competition: Just who is my competition? 
How many of them are there? How much are 
they willing to spend? Will they snag a cel I 
like before I do.

Satisfaction. I’m never satisfied with the cels I 
already have, must I have more? Why is it so 
satisfying to “own” pieces of art? Is it 
selfishness for wanting something no one will 
have? Someone once wrote in a cel forum, 
“Why do people buy cels for hundreds of 
dollars when you could just purchase a book 
with printed color pictures in it?” Because it’s 

Must-haves: Just one more, than I’ll stop. 
There are always more dreams cels to be 

Trading-up: What can I sell in my collection so 
that I can buy that dream cel. I’ll weed out all 
my bad stuff. The thing is, I can’t sell them fast 
enough to buy the ones I want. WAAAHHH!!!

Don’t mind me, I’m just rambling. I look at my 
cels.Somehow I feel good. This is my hobby, 
my “thing.”  This is what I really love and care 
about, this is a part of my life.
Obsessed? Yes, I admit it.

Who else out there shares my affliction? Who 
else out there can really understand?


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