Whoever wrote that email to you..can we have the email addy
or even their website addy? I would like to rip his/her/IT s
ear off for a while....I cant believe how stupid someone like that
can be! I do however agree about Drac saying how can people stand DIC, I personally
do not watch any anime that makes it to tv because they ruin it, they cut the crap out of it, and MAN CAN THEY SOMETIMeS GET
I like the real thing...NOTHING BUT JAPANESE BABY!
Nothing says lovin like the squeal of a japanese girl over some guy! (Im a girl so dont get me confused thinkin Im a guy saying this..)
Im glad that they never got the rights to kenshin to put on tv...
they would have KILLED IT !!!! Although its not the greatest
you gotta love the orororororo! of the show..YOW KENSHINS MY MAN!
Okay Im outta my little stupor of rambling..where am I?
^_^x <------ME |