This is a wierd email I got today, I am not sure if I
should be pissed or if I should laugh. I think I am
laughing though:
Hello. I i am making a page about anime. not like you expect though. this page will focus on the degrading integrety of japanese animation in the unitied states due to it becoming too popular and people who take too it too much.
Anime is startiung to become mainstream here in america and it is being ripped off by many american artists. American fans are a sad example of why anime should stay in japan and be rarely heard of in this country. Japanese fans can be otaku but its thier culture. when a japanese does cosplay it usually is good. But american cosplay takes things too seriously. people use foam rubber hats too look like hair and such. Many other factors are killing the purity of anime here. I would like to link your page as an example of a page that is helping to kill anime by americanizing it with pyschotic intent. Your pictures of your home are not normal. i used to be kind of like you. but i wouldnt go as far as buying poor quality dolls and such just for the sake of collecting. I used to enjoy anime very much but all this americanization is destroying the fun in it. Every moron and simpleton thinks they are some kind of anime expert all of a sudden. american cartoons are starting to look like anime rip offs(very poor ones) its enough to make one say "OOF!!!!"
I would like to hear your thougts on this as soon as time permits you and also if it is ok to link your homepage to display my case along with other pages.
Thank you for your time |