First, the pros! The fun of having a gallery is
to be able to say to people: "I just got [fill in
cel description here]! Go see it!" Another
useful thing is that people learn some of what
you're interested in - perhaps after visiting
your gallery, they will e-mail you when they see
something for sale that you might like. (Really,
this happens! I've done it for other people and
it's been done for me by other people. ^_^)
Galleries can be a nice invitation to some
wonderful private deals/sales. Also, depending on
your ideas of amusement, it can be fun designing
and putting a gallery together.
But there are some big cons to galleries. . . At
the top of the list is image stealing. It was
said in the message above this one and I'll say
it again here: If you don't want other people
taking the scans of your cels, you shouldn't post
them anywhere. End of line.
Another big con to having a gallery (at least if
you have cels of popular or rare characters) is
having to deal with all the "offers". Take a look
at the very noticeable message I put on the front
page of my gallery regarding offers to buy my
cels. You'd think people would get the idea, but
they don't - I still seem to get at least one buy
offer for every ten or so hits to the page.
A third big negative that not many people think
of is: When you make an announcement about what
characters you want and like, you can find
yourself on the short end of the trading/buying
stick when trying to get more cels of those
characters. Especially when making offers on cels
from other collectors who now know excactly how
much you'd like the cel in question. . . For most
people, there's too much temptation to take
advantage. Example: I have a pan cel of Clary
listed on my cel "Wish Page" as my #1 wishlist
cel. If someone saw that and found that cel, it's
almost certain they'll try to bankrupt me for it
because they know they can, irregardless of how
much or little it cost them to get the cel.
But, I do have a gallery. As for how I deal with
the "cons" I listed -
A) My scans never show sequence numbers or
registration holes and I never reveal sequence
numbers to anyone. If someone does steal a scan
of my cel, at least they won't be able to back up
any claim that they own it.
B) My message on my page says it all about how I
deal with buy offers on my cels. I almost always
ignore them. Catch me in a chatty mood and I
might be nice enough to write back to decline the
offer. Catch me in a bad mood and you'll likely
tick me off.
C) I'd rather deal with paying a little more and
finding more awesome cels than paying a little
bit less and having a hard time finding things I
want. Yes, I want to get nice cels for as little
as possible, but going back to my example - I'd
rather pay a small fortune for the Clary pan cel
as opposed to never seeing it at all.
So it's really up to you how to go. ^_^ One last
thing I can mention is that if you do make a
gallery, one way you can keep it semi-private is
to not post and link the URL all over creation.
As far as I know, there are only two links to my
gallery, and I only post the URL here on the
Forum once in a while. Not impossible to find,
but it cuts down on traffic and annoyances. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,