Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Polite but somewhat pompous (Wed May 10 02:57:15 2000 )


Don't worry! I don't think you were at all rude, and I 
certainly don't judge someone by how well they use a foreign
language (and you did fine, anyway)

I want to make clear that I do not think that all sellers 
should be forced to sell internationally - sellers can set
whatever rules they want, and we have to live by those 
rules.  My point was simply to explain how frustrating it is
to those of us who miss out on beautiful cels because we 
can't speak Japanese and/or don't live in Japan.  The reason
I got upset with the previous poster was NOT because I 
demand a right to bid on Yahoo Japan, but because their 
attitude, and the way they implied that everything wrong 
with the cel business could be blamed on the "rude" 

Again - although it is frustrating, I agree to live by the 
rules of Yahoo Japan - I won't bid because I dont speak 
japanese, and that is one of the rules.  However, there are
better and worse ways of delivering a point of view, and I 
think person who's post I responded to did not use the best
method of delivery, and did not have a point of view that I 
felt was fair, or even polite.


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