Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Ebay (Wed Jan 5 22:40:37 2000 )
Saiyan Wolf


*chuckles*  Sorry Steven, I just don't part with my Vegita
cels very often - the only time I might is in an instance
such as this one where I _really_ like the cel that I missed
out on. The only way I let go of a Vegita cel is if I am
either in desperate need for money, or a trade for another
Vegita cel. For that one I mentioned here, I would probably
trade for one of a couple of backgrounded cels. ^_^
Anyway, it's nothing personal - Vegita is just my fav, and
less likely then anyone to be traded or sold.

BTW, awesome cels of Goku you've got on ebay... I love that
multi-layered cel!!  Gorgeous! Good luck in yout auction
on it. I'm sure its going to bring top dollar. That cel is
in pristine condition it looks like. =)


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