Cels Forum

What I first do and a twist on the question. . . (Wed May 10 23:05:44 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles

Depends on how much time I have. Sometimes the cels get
here *right* before I have to leave for work. I just open
the package, look at the cel for a few seconds then tuck it
away and destroy the packaging so my loving husband won't
notice we've aquired yet another "dust collector". ^_-

If I have time, I open the package and remove the cel from
it's bag (I *hate* looking at them through plastic!) and
stare. ^_^ Once I'm done staring, the cel is scanned and
re-bagged. Then I immediately decide where it needs to be
filed in my collection. (Kept alphabetical by series,
alphabetical by character within series, and in order of
aquisition within character.) If the cel is in any series
with a title who's first letter is after 'N', this means I
have to fool with reorganizing my cel books, which takes
forever because I get caught up in looking at them all
again. ^_^  Everything before 'N' is still in one of Yann's
awesome mailing boxes which, while not as pretty or easy to
flip through as cel books, are much easier to use as a
"filing cabinet".

As for how much I've spent on any one cel. . . I decided
that $250 for any one cel would be my max. I have yet to
make an exception to that rule. My two most expensive cels
were the cel of Larva and Garline (center stage on my Miyu
page) and the Ranma cel of Mousse, Cologne, Ranma, and
Shampoo. After all shipping charges, they were each about
$210 or so. But if I had it to think over again, I would
still buy them. I guess that means they weren't overpriced,
ne? ^_-

And in case anyone is curious. . . The Larva/Garline cel
came from Taro; the Ranma cel came from Mangaya.

Something else I'd find interesting to know is. . . What is
the *least* you've spent on a cel? (Disregarding cels
received as gifts.) The least expensive cel I own was $10.85
- a price that *included* shipping. That was the great, big
cost of my first cel of Garline (still on my Miyu page)
which shows him holding the sword from episode fourteen. It
was aquired from the now closed (*weep*) online store,
Janime. I almost feel like I stole that cel. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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