Cels Forum

Re: Re: Making backgrounds - Air brush vs. watercolor (Fri Apr 14 21:35:35 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Actually if you ever see the Psychic Force anime, I believe
it uses a lot of airbrushed backgrounds. I don't know this
for certain, but this is my artist's guess from the couple
I've seen. I think if I were going to be looking at any
background very closely, I would prefer a watercolor one.

On the subject of to add or not to add (that is the question ^_^)
a background, I don't think it's a bad thing if someone
wants to add a background to a cel for purposes of display.
But I think it's nice to note if you know the background
doesn't match. Some people use other's galleries as
reference tools and not just to see the art. Recently I saw
a cel from the same sequence as one I just bought in
someone's gallery. The one in their gallery had a background
to it. I was curious if this were the real background
because I'd been trying to find the cel in the anime and I
couldn't - knowing what the background looks like would
make life easier. ^_^  Turns out this person (*waves and
smiles to them*) didn't know if it matched - but that only
stands by another point. . . The background, matching or
not, *very* nicely enhanced the cel.

I do agree, however, while I will pay a lot more for a
matching background, I don't pay any extra for a non-matching

Many Sharp Smiles,

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