Cels Forum

Re: Found enlightenment... seeking wisdom. (Sun Jul 5 00:25:23 1998 )
Yann Stettler

Well, it's mostly a question of personal taste. I
personaly doesn't display the drawing when framing
a cel but I like to put it right next to the cel in
As for the rest, it's realy a matter of good taste.
Some cels will look better on a white background and
some on a black one. You can use other colors if they
look fine with the cel itself (Generaly, you should use
a color that is similar to one that is used in the
cel. Avoid to use an opposite color. Using a complementary
color is fine). Same for the color of the frame itself.
It will generaly look better if you put a mask around
the cel of a couple centimeters wide.

A common way of doing it for posters/photography
or other art-work is to choose a frame from a color
that is used in the picture itself. Than you use
a relatively neutral mask (black is generaly
very good but it can be white or a very light color.
It shouldn't be flashy).
Then for the background, you can again use a neutral
color (white if you used black for the mask) or
a lighter hue of the main color used in the art-work.
The important is that it doesn't "clash" with the
colors used in the art-work and that it enhance
the art-work, not "hide" it.

Let's take for example the Iczer-2 cels at :
A good color for the frame would be a blue very
similar to the one of her clothes. A black background,
as show on the web page, would look good. I prefered
to use black for the mask so I had to choose something
else for the background. I took a very clear blue
that look like the sky. Naturaly, the blue need
to be differant enough from the one used in the cel
so that it won't "hide" it...

Yann Stettler

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