Cels Forum

Re: Re: Deedlit for sale!!! (Mon Mar 1 03:21:11 1999 )


Yeah I guess that's true.  Hey, but straight up, if I had 
my gallery up, I would have definitely did a lottery or
something for it or do something like first come first
serve.  All I knows is that I need money and I need it
fast and frankly, EBAY is the only way I know how to get
some and get some fast.

Yo, I will be letting some more go in the future so keep
your head up and I promise the next one I let go will be in
reach, homie. 

Actually, you have some cels I have had my eyes
on for a while so who knows homie.  Maybe a Deed is closer
than you think.

peace out homie,

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