Cels Forum

Setting Up A Cel Gallery.... (Thu Jul 22 01:06:45 1999 )
Eric Joranson


I have taken time to scan the mojority of my cels and am ready to dipslay them for viewing .
I would like to recieve any suggestions from others about 
how someone with limited multimedia computer talents; should go. (with what service etc...)
I would like to be able to use my own pics for backgrounds(on page not cels), and have site that can handle 100 jgps.  I plan on having limited text, except for cel information[character ID and episode#, pencil and background info,timing sheets, studio stickers and cel description(single/multilayed, etc), key or end cel and condition (stuck unstuck, spotted,flaws or damage, etc.) 
Would also like to be able to use small symbol pic next to any cel that refers to "Don't even ask", (while others will be open for trading).
Again I am very unfamilar with multimedia, so any and all suggestions will be greatly appriciated.
(and who knows there might even be a few of you that might to look at my cels)
Eric J

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