Cels Forum

Re: Slightly peeved... >_< Pt. 1 (Sun Oct 24 08:10:48 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

I have encounterd 3 cels of this type.  Two are Ranma cels 
and one is a Maison Ikkoku cel, so if you got a cel from these
series, then there is a definate pattern here.  I did think it 
was very strange when I got them, but I didn't think a thing of it
because I got them from a reputable source.  
All three cels are multi-layered and one of them even had 
the cut-out sandwitched between a couple of other layers and 
I really couldn't tell it was a cut out until I closely examined
the cel and lifted the stuck-together layers a tad.  
There was another person that mentioned that the reason that the
cel was cut out and reapplyed to a new cel was because perhaps an
error was made to the surrounding cel area.  I aggree with this.
It could also have been a scene change that required the same cel
yet not the surrounding characters, so the parts were cut out.

As far as the dealer not telling you about the cut-out, perhaps
they didn't think it was important (yikes!!!).  Though when I sold 
the the cels I had, I made sure to tell my buyers what they were getting.

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