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Re: Rinkya (Mon May 3 05:25:54 2004 )
chipn (nli) [View profile ]

They're good.  Maybe not always the least 
expensive, but I've found them to be reliable and 

Heather and Laurel (depending on which side of 
the Pacific is involved) are always prompt and 
informative in response to questions and 
problems.  On a few occasions, I thought 
something was messed up with billing and 
accounting, and in each case they quickly showed 
me where my mistake was...

They've gone above and beyond the call of duty on 
a couple of occasions.  I won't describe those in 
detail here, because I don't know if they want to 
set a public precedent, but leave it say that 
they've gone outside the normal routine to be 

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Message thread :
  • Rinkya - Mikeg (03 May 00h32)
    • Re: Rinkya - haruna.of.jurai (03 May 00h35)
    • Rinkya - cyphr99 (03 May 02h22)
    • Re: Rinkya - chipn (nli) (03 May 05h25)
    • Re: Rinkya - Robert (04 May 17h47)

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