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Rinkya (Mon May 3 02:22:54 2004 )
cyphr99 [View profile ]

I have used Rinkya on several occasions and would
recommend them.  The bidding system works rather
well and they ship your items fast.  They have
also been very prompt when I have e-mail them with
questions and concerns.

The only gripe I have is they way the system is
currently set up.  If you win several auctions
within a short time period, you need to either
e-mail them for a total or pay each one
individually.  This can be a pain if you win a lot
of auctions, but they are supposed to be fixing
that sometime in the future though...

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Message thread :
  • Rinkya - Mikeg (03 May 00h32)
    • Re: Rinkya - haruna.of.jurai (03 May 00h35)
    • Rinkya - cyphr99 (03 May 02h22)
    • Re: Rinkya - chipn (nli) (03 May 05h25)
    • Re: Rinkya - Robert (04 May 17h47)

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