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Re: You're missing the point.... (Sun May 30 18:47:35 2004
Ore-sama nli [View profile
"You shouldn't have to go out of your
way to have special software, restriction
settings or browsers to visit this place. It's
not like we're a large consumer group with extra
money to spend. In fact, I would venture to say
that any extra money we have is going toward
and not anything advertised by an annoying
popup. There are other cel forums that do not
have these problems which also are not mainly
for sale and flame threads."
---Yann shouldn't have to go out of his way to
add extra comfort to something he offers for
free, for you to live out your hobby.
It's not like he's a large money-making company
who has to offer people candy so he sells his
His extra money goes into maintaininig Animanga
and Cels.org---
See, you can apply the exact same points to the
other side of the conflict.
You are right though, I never encountered so
many (mostly pointless) flame threads (not only
against me) on ANY other forum.
Message thread :
- Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - celaddict (nli) (29 May 08h39)
- Re: Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - fickle-haruka (29 May 16h23)
- Re: Re: - olivier nli (29 May 17h24)
- Gotta defend Yann here.... - Ore-sama nli (29 May 19h00)
- If your having problems with spy/adware, popus, viruses, etc.... - dude_moose (29 May 21h07)
- Hmmm - baakay (nli) (29 May 22h09)
- Re: Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - try this (29 May 22h33)
- Re: Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - HerbertWest (29 May 23h03)
- I use Netscape 7.1, free and no problems N/T - Karen (30 May 01h12)
- Re: Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - Cole (30 May 01h49)
- Re: Yann, What are you doing with Animanga! It's going to Hell! - nesuferit nli (30 May 06h11)
- Re: Well..2 things, actually 3... - E (nli) (30 May 08h12)
- You're missing the point.... - soda (have never logged in) (30 May 15h52)
- Two alternatives ... - 8ensei can't li (30 May 21h44)