>This is a
factual statement.
Actually, it was not a factual statement - it
was an opinion, and more than that it was a
stereotype. And the use of the word 'most' as a
modifier doesn't change that. If there is a
group of 100 people, and 51 of those people are
bad, then technically "most" of the people in
the group are bad. But there are still 49 other
people who do not fit into the mold filled by
the 'majority.' Also, the US Democrats would
counter your statement by saying that Bush
didn't really get the 'majority' of the votes,
because technically he lost the popular
election. And even now, if the current polls are
to be believed, the number of people who side
with him are just under 50%. Stereotyping nearly
300 million people based on the actions of one
man, when many of them don't even see eye to eye
with him, seems a little silly to me.
I'm very sorry that someone put down your
country - that's not right to do, no matter who
you are or where you're from. If someone insults
your country, then you should take them to task
for it and let them know that it's not ok for
them to do that - which is what i assume Hojo
was doing in his previous post. After all, if
anonymous had said something similar about your
country, wouldn't you be somewhat offended?
(Perhaps I should rephrase that, since not much
seems to offend you ^_~) And whether or not the
statement was a fact or an opinion, the tone
made it clear that it was intended to be viewed
as showing the US in a negative light:
>It's so manichean... well, perfect for most US
people, whose conception of this world is ultra
manichean as well.
I definitely agree with you on the mutual
respect issue, however; each individual,
regardless of their country of origin, deserves
some basic respect. My problem is not with
anonymous himself; my problem is with the way in
which he presented his views in a disrespectful
and inappropriate manner. And dissing the US is
also a disrespectful thing to do.
As far as this thread goes ... I am deeply sorry
that I have become a party to this. A for sale
thread is a for sale thread, and shouldn't be
used for other discussion - that's what new
threads are for! And I don't like anonymous
posts either - they leave a bad taste in my
mouth. So now that I have made my contribution
of yet another senseless, anonymous post to add
to the mix, I will return to lurking instead of
I sincerely hope that everyone reading this has
a very pleasant day - no matter who you are or
what country you're from! ^_^ |