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Re: Re: Re: Re: Prices dropped on 2 killer dbz cels (Thu Aug 12 18:58:38 2004
DBZ/Inuyasha collector [View profile
This is exactly why I don't post my cels for sale on this
forum. It's people like you who make the hobby
unpleasant. Many of my DBZ cels have dropped in
value that's true, but as others have mentioned there
will always be cels from ANY anime that are from
memorable scenes or are from key characters that
make the price go up. DBZ introduced many to anime
including myself and therefore hold a special place in
some hearts.
To trash an anime that someone is interested in is out
of line. There are probably shows you like that other
collectors wouldn't understand the attraction to. There
is not one show out there anime wise that every single
person enjoy. There will be fans and critics too all, but
the mature thing to do is keep your opinions to yourself
so as not to hurt feelings of others who truly enjoy it.
You say DBZ is liked by 14 year old kids, but in reality
you've acted like a 10 year old with your posts.
True DBZ cels may go down in price in five years, but
that holds true for ANY show after it has peaked. I've
spent a chunk of change on Inuyasha cels and I realize
they may not be worth as much years from now after the
shows dies down. That's a risk you take collecting a
show you love.
The fact you started a flame war over someone simply
trying to sell is lame. Anyone who collects from that
series knows those two cels are from awesome scenes
in the show and any true fan with the money would kill
for those cels. I know I would jump on them had I not
purchased some Inuyasha cels recently.
You may know the basics of how this hobby works with
prices fluctuating, but you don't know jack about DBZ
collecting itself or how to be considerate of others. |
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