Of course you have the right to express your
opinion. However, the considerate thing to do,
if you are a mature, responsible adult, is to
express your opinions in a respectful, informed
manner. Respectful meaning, don't put down
others opinions and treat them as though they
are idiots.
Your first response was, to be perfectly honest,
very ignorant. Obviously you don't know much
about DBZ, since you dislike it and thus have
probably not watched the whole thing. So of
course you wouldn't know that the cels up for
sale are very sought after and from memorable
scenes, and as such are worth every penny.
However, insulting the seller is a very rude
thing to do. She's already taking a loss on
those cels, and now you have to come along and
call them too expensive? Although you have the
right to express your opinion, if you don't know
what you're talking about it's better to keep
your mouth shut. "Better to keep your mouth shut
and be thought a fool, then to open it and
remove all doubt." Those are some wise words
that you should listen to. Your original opinion
was completely uninformed and thus very
insulting, because you had no idea what you were
talking about. That's why people turned against
you; because your opinion was not only ignorant,
but also very rude and insulting towards the
original poster as well. Go reread your first
post. Is that really the best way you could have
put things?
And as for being on-topic. This is a message
board about anime and cels. Thus, your post was
not off-topic to that. It was, however, off-
topic to this particular thread. It is a FOR
SALE thread. Goldknight did not ask for opinions
on these cels; she was merely advertising the
fact that she was selling them, which is her
right. If you had kept your response to "I think
that the price on your cels may be a little bit
high, but I don't like DBZ so I'm not aware of
the current market surrounding those cels",
there wouldn't have been a problem. However,
flaunting your ignorance and dissing the show
(and, by association, everyone who actually has
the gall to LIKE such a show) was inappropriate
to the thread. If you want to bash DBZ, start a
new thread entitled "I Hate DBZ" or something
similar. I mean, honestly, can't you see how
this type of behavior is just begging for a
flame war?
This isn't about whether or not you have the
right to state your opinion. You have that
right, just as I have the right to like whatever
show I like (including DBZ, although I'm not a
14 year old boy), and Goldknight has the right
to sell her cels for whatever amount she wants.
After all, a cel is only worth what someone is
willing to pay. As for this particular
situation, it's about simple etiquette. Someone
is offering cels from a show you dislike for
what seems like insane prices. Roll your eyes
and move on, or bitch about it to your friends.
Don't just hijack the thread with an uninformed,
blatantly ignorant opinion. |