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I can't beleive I'm seeing this stupid crap again. (Sun Aug 29 06:15:57 2004 )
animechaos [View profile ]

Some people are just complete idiots and its 
pissing me off.  You actually want to give that 
no good lying ass a reason to come back on this 
form? Or is it you?  Funny I've never seen your 
username on the forum before.

Give me a break.  Do I need to put a cel on the 
site for sale just to prove I can do whatever I 
want with Anime Chaos?  Will a link to Ebay make 
you happy?  Will you finally believe it wasn't 
shut down by that lying attention whore?

For anyone who still even remotely believes that 
jerk, get a damn clue.  I'm through being even 
remotely nice about this subject.  I already 
talked to a lawyer and know my options, will I 
actaully have to drag this crap to court and sue 
for slander? 

Give it a rest already.

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