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Studio copy backgrounds are few. . . (Mon Oct 18 05:30:36 2004 )
Drac of the NLI Smiles [View profile ]

The only studio-made lazer backgrounds I've seen 
are from Psychic Force, which used a combination 
of watercolor and lazer copy backgrounds -- at 
times, both types in the same frame. The lazer 
ones were used for any scene with a distanced, 
or "fuzzy" background.

What I've always wondered about lazer backgrounds,
is why there seem to be some shows whose cels 
show up ONLY with lazer backgrounds, though it 
was filmed with watercolor ones. Inuyasha, for 
example. Where are all the backgrounds that 
they're frequently available to be copied, but 
never show up for sale with the cels? o_0;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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