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Re: Re: If you have the talent - make your own?? (Sat Oct 16 20:53:59 2004 )
Matt Fife [View profile ]

All very good points.  I agree completely.  It
would be hard to get people to send their cels
for sure - even with a good rep.  That idea was
just something I put out there as an idea.  There
are already cel restoration places that do this
sort of thing now.

Some of the cons mention the process as thus:
1. Get the linedrawing (original, copy, make own)
2. Laser copy the linedrawing onto the acetate cel
3. Paint tiny details, then inner highlight 'intelligables'
4. Fill in the rest.

In case someone is worried about conterfeiters,
here is the rough breakdown of costs based on some 
quick research with standard supplies
- adequate supply of acrylic paints = $100
- plastic acetate cels = $20
- 3-4 brushs/sizes = $20
- liner pens = $15
- misc supplies (paper towel, tape, boards, etc) = $50
- time per cel = 3+ hours depending on complexity

So unless you're copying cels worth $200+ you're 
wasting your time.  Not only that, but the cost 
would be much more because if you're trying to 
pass them off, you need to get cel stamps and more 
realistic cel plastic, not to mention time.  This 
is clearly only for hobbiest. 

The biggest problem will be color matching.  Boy 
oh boy do I see that.  Just in comparing my cels 
to DVD captures shows this problem (check out the 
web link for examples).  Does anyone know where 
one buys these paints or cels?   

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