Hi all,
I've got at least some decent painting skills, and have enjoyed collecting cels (http://matt.rubberslug.com). Well, I've been getting some expensive cels and just had a brainstrom while I was painting the other day. Why not paint copies of my own by using the originals so I can frame those and not worry about ruining the originals?
Cel painting technique is almost identical to making icons (which is what I do), and it shouldn't be hard to do it if you're just going off the originals. Question is: where to get the materials? What paints and where to get the acetate? Matching the colors would be the hardest part (obviously), but the line sketches are well within my range of ability.
I know this could bring up the whole idea of conterfeiting, but it would be stupid of me to counterfit my own cels and lower their value. I would make sure to mark them permanently as copies; but it seems like such an interesting experiement, I'd really like to try it. Are their any sites on the actual paint used in cels?
This could actually be a big addition to the cel community. If you could mail your cel to someone (like me) who'd make a painted copy and mark it as such (indelibly on the edges) this would allow us to frame and spread the viewing of cels more fully.
What do you think? Any ideas?
Matt |