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Re: Re: Re: Paypal - no way of autodefence? (Sat Oct 30 22:25:00 2004 )
munch [View profile ]

Well in all honesty, if you are spending more than
you are saving & you spend so quickly, you might
want to reassess your habits. I am the exact
opposite, I sell sell sell. I've come to a point
in my life where I appreciate having less material
possessions and things. The phrase the things you
own end up owning you strongly apply to your
situation. Buy with your disposable income and if
you don't have enough, strongly consider limiting
yourself, regardless of how nice the items are.
Ask yourself "do I really NEED this? or am I just
buy it b/c I like it?" Sometimes we buy to satisfy
other areas of our lives, I was like this for
years and only recently quit and started to reduce
my clutter/possessions down to just what I really
want. Everything else is noise and expendable.

Do whatever you feel is right, but if you spend so
quickly it certainly would not hurt to slow down
and wait. The only person gaining anything from
you buying habits are sellers, you stand to lose a
great deal more. Just think about it.

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