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Re: What is the point of putting your cels online when...... (Thu May 23 02:06:45 2002 )
joseishijin [View profile ]

How did I miss it? I love that Macross 
collection! ^_^ 

Don't feel too bad. I am not bombarded with 
emails or comments, either. I maintain my site 
for my own pleasure and anyone else that 
stumbles across and wants to talk/make offers is 
just icing on the cake.

Sometimes, after a bad day at work, I like to 
pull up my site and gloat (and also remind 
myself why I shouldn't quit...I have the cels to 
think of...LOL)

Matt, anytime you want to chat about cels (I 
have a fledgling collection of Macross cels that 
I have not posted yet) - drop me a line. ^_^

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