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Re: Question about the new Kenshin Ova's. (Sun May 26 04:03:31 2002 )
court [View profile ]


 Well being a fairly big Kenshin fan I refuse to 
watch these new OVAs after I heard what they did. 
I won't accept them as an ending to the TV series 
or the original OVA. As far as I am concerned the 
manga ending is the "true" ending. 
 I don't know exactly what the creators were 
trying to do with these new episodes besides 
trying to depress the hell out of fans. Everyone 
will have their own opinion of course. I'll be 
happily watching my old tv episodes, blissfully 
ignorant of this new OVA and happy that I won't 
have such a stained production stuck in my 

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