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Well...(spoiler/ sorta) (Sun May 26 02:28:43 2002 )
Anya-nli [View profile ]

I have a TOTALLY dofferent opinion on it being 
called "The end of the series". 

I, personally only call it the end of the 

There's a quite a few differences so far (and all 
I've seen is the first episode.) 

First of all Kaorus eyes in the series are BLUE. 
In the OVA they are BROWN.. In the series Kaoru 
gives her ribbon to Kenshin to make sure he'd 
come back after the fight to give it to her. 
THAT'S when she gets captured by Jin-e. In the 
OVA, Kaoru spots Kenshin and goes to call out to 
him but Jin-E catches her first throwing her 
ribbon into the air. Also in the OVA Kaoru gives 
her ribbon to Kenshin to use as a bandage. In the 
series Kaoru gets Pissed that Kenshin got the 
ribbon dirty. Another one is Kenshin isn't too 
happy in the OVA.. and in the series he of course 
is. Other such details is that Sano and Yahiko 
were missing from a few spots that they were in 

Is it the end to the manga? I think not 
personally.. I thought the one comic book that 
Had Kenshin, Kenji and Kaoru at the picnic thing 
was a PERFECT ending to it.

So is the OVAs the end of Kenshin? I think not 
personally. There are so many differences between 
the series, Manga and OVA that I consider the OVA 
to only be the Ending to that, The OVAs.

How could this be? Well.. besides the differences 
it basically sums up the whole gap in an OVA 
sense from what happened in the first episode 
until these ones. Letting the views know if they 
only wanted to see the ovas...without having to 
watch the series if they dislike the series type 
things and such.. Hee.. so..Long Live Kenshin! 

Uhm, yeah...ok.. I'll be quiet now.

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