When you order from Taro, here's how it works:
1) You place the order.
2) You wait for an e-mail confirmation that the
items are in stock!!
3) You send payment for items in stock.
4) You confirm (with the link on the site) that
payment was sent.
Because Taro is so organized and has such a nice
computer setup, it's extremely rare for two
people to get the same item into their carts, or
for the item to have been out of stock in the
first place. So people forget about step "2", or
consider it only a formality. When people here
say: "Here is what I got at the Taro sale", they
mean that they managed to get the item into their
cart. (Hence, they're really only assuming they
got it since if it made it into their cart, it's
highly likely that they did.)
But before you know for certain that an item
really, TRULY is yours, you have to wait for the
confirmation - just like with any other online
store. That is why the site will not let you pay
for the items right away.
Many Sharp Smiles,