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jeeeze.. I think a lawsuit is going a little far... (Wed Jun 12 01:36:58 2002 )
skaphrodite [View profile ]


I mean I think it's wrong that this person stole 
images, but is the time and effort of a lawsuit 
really necessary?  Think about it... what do you 
expect to get out of it? ... Money? - not a 
chance.  Or are you trying to make an example out 
of this person by flexing your legal muscles? - 
Even if you do successfully execute a lawsuit and 
win... in 2 weeks no one will even remember or 
care anymore.  I think the best thing to do is 
simply email angelfire and explain that he/she is 
misusing his/her webspace by displaying stolen 

Just my opinion... I am not looking to start any 
kind of war, and like I said above, I totally 
agree that what this person has done is not 
right.  But it's on such a small scale, that I 
really don't think it's worth getting so worked 
up over.  If you don't want people to save your 
images, then you should password protect the 
site, or disable right click, or take some other 
kind of preventative measures.  

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